Talk about your brand

  • Choose Your Price: Select the service at a price you can comfortably afford, based on our 'Pay What You Can Afford' model.
  • Schedule a Time: Pick a time that works best for you from our available slots.
  • Describe Your Issue: Enter the details of your or your family member's tech issue, and let us know if there are any additional concerns or special requirements. Note: After submitting your issue, you will receive an email with the Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) to ensure your information remains confidential.
  • Pre-Visit Call: Our tech will give you a call 30 minutes before arrival to confirm the appointment and discuss any last-minute details.
  • Tech Arrival and Video Recording: Once the tech arrives at your location, the video recording begins for full transparency and security. A Link can be emailed for live viewing.
  • Problem Resolution: Our expert tech will then efficiently address and resolve your tech issues.